Julia Granstrom in Seattle and Douglas Burton in New York
for the News Team
Published: 05/02/13 (2013年5月2日)
Visitors ambling at a leisurely pace into Seattle’s renowned
Cherry Blossom Festival expected the sublime, and they got it, but there was
also a jarring bump in the road for some. Past the gorgeous boughs, the taiko
drums, the sushi deluxe, the kimonos, the origami, the exquisite bloom-arranging,
and outside a bevy of booths exalting Japanese art was the paper-strewn protest
table staffed by earnest-looking Unificationists. Above it a 20-ft banner
screamed: “Stop Japanese Kidnappings Now!”
米国ワシントン州シアトル市での春の『桜の花フェスティバル』が開催かれました。 桜の美しさを楽しもうとゆっくりした歩みで桜並木を散歩し、イベント会場では日本の名物である太鼓、寿司、着物、折り紙、華道、そして日本の芸術を紹介するブースの群れが立ち並んでいました。その一角に『日本の拉致監禁・強制改宗をやめさせろ!』と書かれた大弾幕が掲げられて地元シアトルの統一教会信者たちがテーブルを構えて、チラシを撒き、抗議署名運動をしている姿がありました。
Protests are a skunk at the garden party of such an expo,
the largest of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. The festival commemorates the
gift of 1,000 cherry trees to Seattle by the Japanese government, and the
spring blooms make a picture-perfect showcase for the city. Thousands come to
admire Japanese culture, live performances, hands-on activities, food and
その様な抗議運動は、この『桜の花フェスティバル』にふさわしくないかもしれません。 なぜならばそのフェスティバルは、太平洋側北西部中のその種で最大のもので、日本政府によりシアトルへの1,000の桜の木の贈ったことの日米友好の意味を持つ記念すべき行事となるからです。
Yet, on three days at the end of April, the 26th to the
28th, a resolute squad of Unification Church volunteers led by Unificationist
Seattle resident Scott Dolfay walked up to thousands of festival visitors
strolling by the table to stop them with a simple question, “Have you heard about
the kidnapping issue in Japan?”
Man with a Mission(使命に燃える者)
Dolfay, a Seattle native, has made it his personal mission
to protest at the Cherry Blossom Festival for three years. He mentioned to
Unification News that his wife is Japanese and that their son was adopted from
a family Japan as well.
Dolfay and his team
of eight volunteers asked passersby to sign a petition to the Japanese
government demanding that Japanese authorities enforce the laws on the books
that guarantee all Japanese citizens the freedom to practice their religion
without fear of abduction or violent de-conversion attempts that can take years
of imprisonment. Signatures are sent to the Japanese consul Consul General in
Seattle with the request that she report it to the Japanese foreign ministry.
The persecution continues apace in Tokyo. Unification Church
leaders have reported that two young members of the church in the last six
weeks are suspected to have been victimized by deprogrammers. A 21-year old
male senior in the College of Science and Engineering at Kanazawa University
disappeared in April. In another case, a
26-year-old Hiroshima woman has been missing since March 29, 2013. These young
adults may be the latest victims of a string of kidnapping crimes in which
relatives abduct and confine adults in order to force them to abandon their
chosen religion and leave their spouses or fiancés.
Whereas three days of
hard effort last year in 2012 yielded 250 signatures, Dolfay reports that his
team gathered more than 1,000 this year, and upwards of 75 percent of those
approached by the team agreed to sign.
Impact of the Protest(抗議運動の成果)
The protest apparently has rattled festival officials.
“Three years ago when I asked the festival organizers to allow our table to be
part of the official event, they politely said no,” Dolfay wrote in an email.
“Therefore, we became a ‘free speech event’ near them. A man that is on the
organizing board that I had never met until the second day, but had
communicated with through email, came to our table. He was very nice saying we
have a right to protest and that what is happening to our members should be
stopped,” he added.
According to the
festival official, “Because of how this issue is ruining the festival, the
organizers are now pushing the consulate to deal with us directly. As he sees
it, it is the responsibility of the Japanese government to talk to us,” Dolfay
Among those who have escaped or renounced their faith, many
have suffered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Thousands have endured
involuntary confinement, threats of physical, psychological, social, or
financial deprivation and harm. Unificationist Toru Goto, a legal adult and
Japanese citizen, was kidnapped and forcibly imprisoned for 12 years and 5
months from September 1995 to February 2008.
Though these cases have been reported to police authorities,
only rarely do victims receive compensation or even their day in court.
Authorities typically respond to reports with the excuse that this is a “family
matter” and perpetrators continue with their activities unhindered.
“I think [the kidnapping issue] is important because people
shouldn’t be mistreated for their opinions,” says Unificationist volunteer
Helen Downey. “People shouldn’t be held against their will for their beliefs.
In democracies especially, people should be allowed to speak as they wish.”
Rumiko Uezono,
Unificationist and immigrant from Japan, took time out of her schedule to sit
down and talk about this issue. She has lived in Seattle for 10 years. She was
one of the few Japanese church members volunteering at the table. “This is a
Japanese issue, but American brothers and sisters are working so hard. It makes
me inspired to do this, too.”
統一教会信者で日本からの移民者、ルミコ・ウエゾノさんは休暇をとり活動に参加したと言う、彼女はシアトルに10年以上も住んでいます。 彼女はこのテーブルで手伝っている数少ない日本人の一人です。彼女は言いました。『アメリカ人の兄弟姉妹たちがこの日本の問題の為に一生懸命になってくれる姿に感動して、自分も立ち上がったんです。』
Dolfay was asked what pushes him to do the table every year.
“I can thank the Unification Church for my family. My wife is originally from
Odawara, Kanagawa prefecture, and my son is adopted from Hiroshima,” he explains.
He pauses, looks out across the pavement and the crowds of people. “I want [the
Japanese Unification Church members] to know we’re trying to stop it. I want
them to know we’re there for them.”
果たして、何がスコット・ドルファイ氏を毎年この運動をさせるのか聞いてみた。彼は次のように話した。『私は日本統一教会の本当に感謝している。 私の妻は神奈川県、小田原出身です。私の一人息子は広島に住む家庭から養子として授かりました。 』彼は、声を詰まされながら続けた、『私は日本の統一教会のメンバーに知ってほしい、君たちは孤独じゃない、私たちがこうして拉致監禁問題の解決の為に一緒に闘ってるんだと・・・。
I thanked him for his time and watched as he nodded, blinked
away his emotion and walked over to a young couple stopping to glance at the
banner. He had the petition clipboard in hand
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